Thursday, June 25, 2009


1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?
-It was happy and hard. But in the end I had copped up with the environment. The professors and the students was so approachable. The facilities of the school was good and I was able to like it. The security of the students was so sure. I am beginning to like the school. I mean the whole MCL and it's content..
2. Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one?

-They teach very well. They speak English fluently. Each of them understands the way of the students unlike with the other colleges and universities. I understands every lessons they give. Even though it's hard sometimes but I strive and compete with my blockmates. The professors is very approachable. It was fun to be in Malayan! really! I'm not kidding.. All of the professors are so interesting.. I love it.. ♥
3. Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?

-They are so friendly and funny. At first I was shy to approach them but as the day passed by I am beginning to love them as well as they crack jokes.. I am so lucky to be in A06.. I think the friendship and competence is the strength of A06.. And the awkward feelings is our weakness.

4. How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?
-Hmmm.. At first it was quite hard but as I listen and understands the lessons it became easy for me to cope up with the lessons. I think the Values Education and Humanities was quite easy for me. and ofcourse the Math and the Philippine History was the challenging. I think all of the students have some problems with it. But when you begin to love the course, whoa.. it was fun to be with numbers and history..
5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.
-Yah.. Lot of adjustments. Like having new friends. some of them are snob at first but I was shocked that they are so friendly "pala". The coldness of the rooms was so fascinating and sometimes distructive but after 1st week, I like the coldness of the rooms. And the teaching techniques are so different from my high school life. The way the professors treat their students was really a different thing form high school.


Name: Caballero, Jirehlee A. Date: June 25, 2009
Yr./Program: 1st year/ECE

Below is a list of important personal values culled from years of observing individual success. Select/encircle 10 values which are most important to you – as guides for how to behave, as components of a valued way of life.

1. Faith
2. Family
3. Friendship
4. StrengthSucceed; A will to-Success, Achievement
5. Trust
6. Wisdom
7. Beauty
8. Love, Romance
9. Competence
10. Commitment

Saturday, June 20, 2009



1. In the first few days you've spent in MCL, how would you compare your highschool life to what you envisioned college life to be?

-I am easy go lucky when I was in High school. I can copy assignments and go everywhere I want even though I have classes. And I can break the rules of the teachers while when I enter college, I must focus on the lessons and follow what the rules of the instructors and professors..

2. What is the importance of Values Education?

-Values Edcation builds your character as well as your attitude for you to be more educated and become successful someday.. For me to know my responsibilities and obligation as a Christian, a Daughter, a student, a friend, a citizen of my country and a young Filipino.

Ass. in Values Education

1. How does values education work to your advantage?
-It helps me towards achieving my desires. It build my character as a person to be more mature. It helps me how to get along with my teachers and classmates as well as to cope up with the new environment I choose to belong.

2. After you have processed your first few experience at MCL, in what way this will you achieve successful adjustment in college?
-It gives me some ideas and insights of how teachers, students, and the school mingle with the new students. I had observed how the management and the administration rules and deals with the students. So I can be aware of the rules and regulation, pros and cons of the school. They have showed me how happy it is to be in college and how to enjoy learning and studying.

3. Analyze your readiness for college using the checklist "making transition high school to college".
-I think it is not that hard to be in college, I don't have to adjust a lot because all I have to do is to study hard like what I had done in college when I was in high school. I have to be friendly and that's all. So all I can say is that I'm ready enough to face the new page of my life. A new journey is now unfold.