Saturday, August 8, 2009

6th meeting journal entry

What challenge did you take?
To recite in class at least one in any course.
(Social Science 016)

At first I doubt my self that I can answer the question well. But when I was about to talk, I felt so nervous and my ears get cold. But I answer the question with confident. Even though my answer is not that good. I think I have satisfied my classmates with my opinion and understanding about the lesson.

“An Inconvenient Truth”

The most striking scene in the

When hurricane katrina hit the USA causing a lot of people to die.

Your feelings and emotions while watching the movie:
I feel very pity on those who have experince that tragedy in USA.

Your realization after watching the movie:
WE must do anything now to prevent any tragedies that will come soon.
we must be united in order for us to live and survive.

The specific actions you can commit to take care of the environment:
Lssen the activities that contribute a lot in increasing the carbon dioxide and other air that is very harmful for us and for other living things.

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